Gideon: Your Weakness. God’s Strength (PTBS – 6)

A Phone Tree Bible Study Series

Gideon: Your Weakness. God’s Strength. 2cb702be-dafa-4d5e-923f-df23c7f1b270

Week 6: Weary, Yet Pursuing

Summary: We get tired. We get weary. We get heavy. We get low. These are facts that come with living life. It happens. But just because we get tired, it does not mean that we are without the ability to move forward or to press onward. God grants us the ability to do so. He enables us to move in His strength and power toward the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus, our LORD.

From Priscilla to Us:

“We shouldn’t bear guilt when we feel fatigued. Admitting our depleted resources is not a cop out or a sign of faithlessness. It just means that we need refueling as we continue to move ahead.”

This Week’s Assignment:

1) Spend some time each day this week reciting Philippians 3:13-14. (Consider reading a different Bible translation per day.)

2) What do you typically do to refresh or refuel yourself spiritually, physically, emotionally, and/or mentally? When was the last time you sought refreshment/refueling?

3) Read the lesson material from Week 6 in your member book. (Week 6, Day 1 – No Other Gods – will be featured in next week’s post.)

4) Seek God earnestly right now in your present moment. Find Him and know Him. Connect with His heart. Let Him know what hinders you from drinking of His Living Water or eating of His Bread of Life. Allow Him to refresh and refuel you completely.