The Art of Losing Yourself by Katie Ganshert

Where do I begin?

What could I possibly say to you to convince you that you should definitely read this book?

Trust me when I say that you want to read this book. It’s… moving. It’s powerful. It’s real. It’s life.

The beautiful thing about The Art of Losing Yourself by Katie Ganshert is that this book has breath. It lives. What I mean is that it is a story that is, quite frankly, our own story. It’s the kind of story that begins with an emotionally-charged moment and ends with a now what-but question. It is the type of story that you quickly find yourself identifying wth the characters or with some aspect of a character’s struggle. (I love that! I love seeing the deeper picture, the where are You, God, in a story or the that’s me and what I’m dealing with kind of picture.)

From the moment I started reading this story, I was immediately drawn in. In fact, I literally found myself writing in the margins of my pages. I wrote down my impressions, my questions, my takeaways. I recall just how suddenly my heart was attracted to Carmen and Gracie. Their walks were so different and yet so similar, in certain respects. They were both so seemingly lost in a tidal wave of hopelessness while still being desirous of finding a new hope to make things better. (Sigh. Sniffle. Can you relate to that at all?)

The grace lessons and the God lessons in this book are priceless. In fact, there are such wonderful messages sprinkled throughout the pages of this book that I found myself wanting to share them and talk about them with a friend. That’s how compelling this story is. That’s how riveting it is!

Still, I could say so much more about this book. (And I will.) This book is so rich and meaningful that I have decided to feature it as a Table Talk series on my blog for a whole month. That says something!

Do yourself a favor and read this book. Do not approach it or see it from a superficial point of view; dig deeper and find the greater love story because it is most certainly there. That – the greater love story, the greater grace story – is where you will find yourself and begin to see a brighter hope.

(Can you tell I like this book? I really do, and you will too.)

Rating: 5/5

Recommend: Yes

Audience: Adult

Status: Christian, Contemporary

Options: Women’s Interest Group Discussion Series, Christian Book Club, Church Library, Marriage and Family Ministry, Grief Counseling

Life Lessons/GraceLessons: Yes


A complimentary copy of this title was made available by the author/publisher in exchange for an honest critique. I was not required to submit a positive review or compensated for my review. The words I have expressed are my own.

The Art of Losing Yourself will be featured during the month of April as part of a Table Talk Tuesday series. Make plans to follow and/or join the discussion.