The Sunday Bible Study Series: Restless (Week 3/8)

RESTLESS – Because You Were Made for More by Jennie Allen

Week 3: Gifts

Do you think that it’s possible for fear or discontent to keep us from realizing our dreams? Do you think that those strengths, abilities, and/or positive character traits that we possess are meant for our own good or for something greater/for someone greater? Read this week’s message on gifts and gain a better understanding of how it all works together. You will be happy that you did.

Goals for the Week: 922360

1) Read Genesis 37:1-11 and summarize what God revealed through Joseph’s dreams.

2) Memorize 1 Corinthians 12:4-7.

3) Complete a spiritual gifts inventory on yourself. Identify those things that you see within yourself as gifts or strengths. Next, ask two people closest to you to identify what they view as your gifts or strengths. Once the aforementioned has been completed, compare the lists and make note of what stands out.

Taking Action:

This week’s challenge will be to complete the following tasks:

– Send a card to someone you admire but perhaps have not spoken to for one reason or another (i.e. someone at church, a colleague, a teacher). Inside the card, make sure to write down those things that you see within them that prove to be encouraging or inspiring.

– Answer the following question from Jennie: “When do you feel God’s pleasure?” (Note: Answering this question will help you to determine the unique gifts and/or talents the LORD has given you to use for His glory.)

– If you have the study video or access to the video, please watch the session entitled Gifts.

From Jennie:

“Moving into our God-given purposes requires an understanding of our God-given gifts and strengths.”

(SG, p. 57)

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