APRIL BOOK CLUB CHAT – Anne of Avonlea (A Beyond the Pages Tuesday Feature, 4/4)

In the Words of Anne:

“Perhaps, after all, romance did not come into one’s life with pomp and blare…perhaps it crept to one’s side like an old friend through quiet ways; perhaps it revealed itself in seeming prose, until some sudden shaft of illumination…perhaps…love unfolded naturally out of a beautiful friendship, as a golden-hearted rose slipping from its green sheath.”

Let’s Chat, Beyond the Pages: The sacred romance between God and man is a glorious manifestation. In our lives, it can be a thing of beauty if we allowed it. If we believed that we were truly worthy of it, it could change our lives for the better. 00341542

If we accepted that we are loved from the most sacred of hearts, with a love that defies all understanding, we could begin to love ourselves.

If we allowed the LORD’s sacred-heart reach to touch the depth of our being, we could grasp and lay hold onto the pure thought and powerful action-force of a holy transformation.

Let’s Chat Question: What do you have to say about the sacred romance that you share with the LORD?

A Beyond the Pages Challenge: Write a love letter to God. Pour out your heart and reveal to Him your true feelings.

APRIL BOOK CLUB CHAT – Anne of Avonlea (A Beyond the Pages Tuesday Feature, 3/4)

00341542In the Words of Anne:

“People who are different from other people are always called peculiar.”

Let’s Chat, Beyond the Pages: Is being unique or set apart all that it is cracked up to be? I’ll bet you weren’t expecting that question. I decided to put it out there because even if we don’t necessarily say it out loud, it doesn’t mean that we don’t think about it or haven’t, at one time or another, thought about it. We most certainly think about it. And you know what else, we most definitely question the cost of being different. Right?

Well, consider Jesus. He was unique. He was set apart. He was different. In fact, He was most peculiar. It’s true! He was especially special, to the point that He got it and He appreciated it. But we don’t really get it until we begin to see the value of Romans 12:2.

Let’s Chat Question: When you read Romans 12:2, what is the first thought that comes to mind?

A Beyond the Pages Challenge: Write a point of view journal entry on Romans 12:2.

APRIL BOOK CLUB CHAT – Anne of Avonlea (A Beyond the Pages Tuesday Feature, 1/4)

In the Words of Anne:

“…living so that you beautify your name, even if it wasn’t beautiful to begin with, making it stand in people’s thoughts for something so lovely and pleasant that they never think of it by itself…”

00309047Let’s Chat, Beyond the Pages: Isn’t this such a delightfully transforming thought – living so that you beautify your name? I love it! It speaks and has meaning beyond the obvious. At least it does for me.

As I reflected upon it, in the way that I do, I could not help but consider how the words impacted my heart and touched my spirit.  It made me think not of the name of my birth, no, rather it caused me to think of the name that came with my new birth. The name that was always meant to be mine…and yours. What do I mean? The name that we were given when we purposely chose to follow and walk with Jesus Christ – the name Christian (emphasis on Christ).

We must live so that we beatify His name. Would you agree?

Even from there at Anne’s first thought, she goes on to say, “even if it wasn’t beautiful to begin with.” Was that ever you? It certainly was me. Not beautiful in that I was not holy, not peculiar, not set apart. Before Christ, before the wearing of His name, I was sinful, broken, without hope, and in a sense ignorant of grace. But now, I am something altogether different. I am something altogether new. I am beautiful in the purest sense and so are you. We are now altogether lovely. And you know what? When people see us at present, they should see Christ in us. They should see something so pleasant and beautiful that it lets them know, as the Bible says, “they had been with Jesus.”

Let’s Chat Question: How do Anne’s words speak to your heart?

A Beyond the Pages Challenge: Complete a Scripture study on Acts 4:13. Next, reflect on how others might see or know that you belong to or have been with Jesus.